Tuesday, December 18, 2012

It is Better to Give, but Fun to Recieve

It is the "gimme" time of the year.  The commercials are telling our kiddos that they need everything.  The stores are stocked and overflowing with stuff that we start to think that we may need someday...or now. First and second graders are busy writing novels to Santa reminding him of ALL of the things that they WANT...or in their words, need.

It is the perfect time to step back and help them realize the true meaning of Christmas.  Using our favorite buddy, the elf we send Santa Christmas letters for someone else.  We ask our students to think about someone in their lives who really deserves something special from Santa.  They then write a letter to Santa telling Santa why this person deserves extra special attention..

They usually write about their parents or their siblings (especially since we share ours about our parents).  It is so sweet to read what they think Santa should bring them and why.  The day after they write them we sneak their letters into a sealed envelope "from the principal to their parents" and put them in their mailbox.
If you would like to download the paper click here.

Merry Christmas!

Keep On Dancing In Your Teacher Shoes!
Deanna and Jenelle


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  2. Because of the lady above me, I found your blog! I am your newest follower :)
